Monday 12 April 2010

How Do You Know if it is a Midlife Crisis?

Because a midlife crisis is something quite tricky to diagnose, if that's the right word, it is often asked how do you know if it is a midlife crisis or purely the person is just falling out of love with you.

After all, many years of being together can lead to boredom or the zip falling out of a marriage. Depression, being withdrawn and alcoholism can mask a person's midlife crisis.

Often, the partner not in midlife crisis mode is blamed for the marriage breakdown and the mlcer is perfect and not the problem at all.

But there are several good indications that a person is going into or experiencing a midlife crisis. Here's a few of them:

They talk about all the things they missed out on doing
Often they blame the spouse and for being married
Obsess about their appearance and aging
Drinking heavily
Porn and excessive computer use
Looking to return to old habits of youth

These are just a few of the signs that it could be a midlife crisis.

For further information visit this website to find out how to manage and understand these issues better.

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